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and do it from home.

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Hatchery gives you every resource you would ever need for Selective Entry preparation, wrapped in world-class technology.

Stop paying for question packs

Access more replica questions than you have time to complete: 1000s of questions, growing monthly. We think you have enough on your plate without having to scavenge for mock exams. Press the big pink button and start learning.

Solutions written with love

Every question comes with a meticulously crafted explanation. Not just a 'how', but a 'why' – ensuring you truly understand and grasp the core concepts. Dive deep into detailed walkthroughs so you can tackle similar questions with confidence.

Skill-first development

Imagine you became great at 100s of other questions every time you answered just one question incorrectly. The Hatchery platform transforms every mistake into an opportunity for growth at the very foundational levels of cognition.

Kids on Hatchery for 1 year outperform new subscribers on mock exams by 17%.

Mock Exam Percentiles
Joined Hatchery 1 month before exams
Joined Hatchery 1 year before exams
Data from 2023 Victorian Selective School Entry mock exams on Hatchery.

Hatchery blends your performance, speed, ranking and prior cohort context into a single, elegant health metric.

Simplify your focus

Never interpret data again. Ask yourself one question: do my topics and skills have high health ratings? A "yes" means you're ready to confidently stride into the exam venue, with the highest degree of statistical confidence ever made possible on this exam.

Know exactly how you rank, all the time

Our health metrics reveal how you stand against thousands of other exam-takers, using key indicators that evolve with Hatchery's growing insights. Year after year, Hatchery becomes more precise in predicting the signs of your exam success.

Kids log into Hatchery 3 times a week, all by themselves. Without tutors, Hatchery has built a habit-forming architecture that drives activity: progress reports, reminders, and more. Learning is not a chore; it’s a choice they’ll make, again and again.

An AI writing assistant to supercharge every dimension of your writing.

Learn all the mechanics of writing

Dive deep into the craft of writing great Selective Entry pieces, from the essentials of structure to the subtleties of language, idea development and thematic exploration. Write compelling essays to sway opinion, and textured stories to capture the imagination.

Find your voice

Develop the art of writing with a tool designed to shape your words into impactful messages. While focusing on crafting strong arguments and narratives, it empowers you to discover nuances in tone, style, and structure that make your essays memorable and persuasive.

Built in collaboration with experts

Hatchery's AI was developed in partnership with philosophy PhDs, seasoned educators and lovers of the written word. Write 100s of pieces whenever you like under the guidance of expert insights, and proven writing principles.

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We’re a technology company,
not a tutoring academy.

(That means we make features pretty damn fast)

Redesigned Hatchery
Hatchery Passport
Session Builder
Dynamic study plan
1000 Quantitative questions added for VIC
Secret Project #1 🥷
SMS Progress Reports
Multiplayer Mode
Ad hoc webinars for VIC 2023 exams
3000 questions for NSW
300 Reading Questions added for VIC
Secret Project #2 🥷
New Discord community
50 more hours of video content
Question flags
Secret Project #3 🥷
500-question mystery box for NSW
Enterprise security controls
Content Portal
Secret Project #4 🥷
AI Writer
Launched health bar

Don't take our word for it 👇

550+ families learned smarter with Hatchery in 2022.

"Hatchery made it easier for my son to spend more time harnessing his strengths and focus directly on his identified weakness."


Parent, VIC 2022 Cohort

"The questions that were on the advanced scale of Hatchery taught users well on how to interpret questions faster. The mock exams were also quite good and the writing feedback was stellar."


Student, VIC 2022 Cohort

"I found out about Hatchery through friends and I found it really helpful because it gave me personal feedback without being too expensive."


Student, VIC 2022 Cohort

"My son loved a variety of features from Hatchery such as the empowerment for self learning, an easy to navigate platform, focused questions, self review graphs, continuous follow ups, and its effectiveness."


Parent, VIC 2022 Cohort

"I loved the Hatchery features such as the simulated mock exams, quizzes, and the vast set of questions."


Parent, VIC 2022 Cohort

"Hatchery has been a lot of help for me with the exam. I found Hatchery very helpful because a lot of the questions were extremely similar to those found in the exam."


Student, VIC 2022 Cohort


Have other questions? Get in touch with our team via

How does my child self-manage on Hatchery?

Hatchery is a self-directed learning platform that allows students to study at their own pace and schedule. With clear analytics, students can easily track their progress and adjust their study routine as needed.

Our smart question-bank and weekly progress reports provide students with the guidance and feedback they need to stay on track and achieve their goals. The progress reports help students understand how they are doing and identify areas where they may need to focus more attention.

Is my child too young to start preparing?

Our most successful families start preparing for the Selective School Exam 1-2 years before the date of the exam. This gives students enough time to build a strong foundation of the necessary skills and knowledge, and to practice applying them through simulated test questions and other preparatory materials.

While starting earlier can certainly be beneficial, it is important to keep in mind that every child is different and some may need more or less time to prepare. Ultimately, the most important factor is that your child feels confident and comfortable with the material and is able to demonstrate their abilities to the best of their ability on exam day.

Will Hatchery teach my child how to do questions?

Yes, Hatchery is designed to provide comprehensive support for students as they learn how to tackle test questions. In addition to our individualised feedback on each student's progress, we offer interactive, live teaching sessions led by expert tutors who are skilled in both the subject matter and psychometric testing.

Our online community also enables students to collaborate and learn from each other through online study groups, which can make the learning process more engaging and effective.

Does Hatchery include private tutoring?

No, Hatchery does not include private tutoring as part of its programs. Instead, we use advanced algorithms and technology to provide personalised feedback and guidance on each student's progress, just as a private tutor would.

This allows us to offer a flexible and convenient education experience at an affordable price, without sacrificing the quality of support. Whether you are looking for a self-directed learning platform to supplement your child's education or as a primary source of academic support, Hatchery can help your child achieve their goals.

What if my child already has a tutor?

If your child already has a tutor, Hatchery can still be a valuable resource for supplementing their learning and helping them track their progress. Our platform provides access to thousands of high quality test questions and comparative analytics, which can help students see how they are performing against their peers.

Hatchery can be easily integrated into your child's existing tutoring regimen to provide additional support and guidance. Whether your child is working with a tutor or studying independently, Hatchery can help them achieve their academic goals.

Can I get a refund if I don't like it?

Yes. Currently, we have a no-question-asked refund policy. It might change in the future when most of the features from the roadmap are implemented.


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Sometimes there may be a bug where the website briefly flashes before the loader is displayed. To avoid this add the following custom code in your Site settings > Custom Code > Head code
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